CHRISTIAN: On coronavirus, the Trudeau government is anti-science

Cornelius Christian, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Brock University, had a piece recently published in the Post Millenial about the importance of following the advice of scientists and frontline medical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He writes:

“In January, one of us warned that unless the Canadian government were to implement strict quarantine measures and travel restrictions with haste, COVID-19 would overwhelm the country. Instead of acting prudently to prevent suffering, the government has allowed over 3,000 people to become infected with the novel coronavirus, and 35 have died.

Across the nation, businesses are now closed, hundreds of thousands are unemployed, and overworked hospital staffs see a crisis looming. Throughout this, Canadian officials have refused to heed the advice of honest scientists and frontline medical workers, and have instead responded in a reactive and diffident manner.

Provincial and federal governments have stubbornly refused to either understand the basic math or communicate this to Canadians. An epidemic’s initial stages often follow an exponential growth pattern, which starts with a handful of cases, and then rapidly and radically escalates into thousands.”

Continue reading the full article here.

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