Brock staff step up disinfection work across campus

As it constantly monitors novel coronavirus updates across Canada and around the world, Brock University is also updating its own contingency planning and ramping up measures to protect people from getting sick.

Niagara region has had no confirmed cases of coronavirus or COVID-19, the illness it causes. However, the University continues to focus on maintaining a clean environment, encouraging frequent hand-washing and promoting rigid hygiene habits to help prevent the virus from arriving on campus.

In terms of prevention, Brock is following the directives of Niagara Region Public Health, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Public Health Agency of Canada.

Staff in Brock’s Custodial Services unit have been given specific training on coronavirus cleaning procedures, and have greatly increased cleaning and inspection of railings, door handles, residence common rooms/lounges and other high-traffic contact points. The University also consulted its wholesale supplier to make sure that Brock’s cleaning materials are capable of killing coronaviruses, which has been confirmed.

The University has also established a pandemic response team headed by Anna Lathrop, Vice-Provost of Teaching, Learning & Student Success. Working with Niagara Region Public Health, the team has representatives from units across the University and is working on planning and contingencies should the need arise.

Officials remain in contact with students studying abroad, to make sure all are healthy. At home, the Brock community is being reminded to practice heightened hygiene, wash hands frequently and go to a doctor or clinic if they exhibit flu-like symptoms.

In a communiqué today, the Public Health Agency of Canada recommended that Canadians avoid all cruise ship travel due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The federal agency also updated its travel warnings for destinations, due to the coronavirus risk:

Level 3 warning (avoid non-essential travel)

Level 2 warning (special precautions, i.e. additional vaccinations)
South Korea

For ongoing updates, make regular checks of Brock’s Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19 webpage.

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