Brock Media Clips for Friday, Nov. 15

Here’s a look at some of the media attention Brock University received recently.

Experts say the black market isn’t going out without a fight. Are Toronto pot producers ready to lower prices?: Associate Professor of Operations Research Michael Armstrong recently spoke with the Toronto Star and CBC about the need for Cannabis producers to work together with the government to lower prices and increase accessibility in order to eliminate illicit producers.

Conference at Brock examines Indigenous issues: The St. Catharines Standard wrote about an upcoming Indigenous rights conference that will be held at Brock University on Saturday, Nov. 16 and feature Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies Robyn Bourgeois as one of its speakers.

Homelessness focus of Brock simulation: Associate Professor of Nursing Karyn Taplay spoke to the St. Catharines Standard about a simulation exercise she led to better prepare Nursing students to assist people who are homeless.

If you know of an appearance or story about a Brock faculty member, student, athlete or alumni, please drop us a line with a link to the story at



Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Business, In the Media, Social Sciences
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