HAGGART: Federal leaders should face tough questions about Toronto’s smart-city project

Blayne Haggart, Associate Professor of Political Science at Brock, wrote a piece recently published in The Conversation about why federal leaders should face tough questions about Toronto’s smart-city project.

Haggart writes:

“With the federal election campaign under way, it’s helpful to have a quick and easy way to evaluate our prospective leaders’ commitment to good governance and sound economic policy.

I suggest a simple question: “If elected, how would you handle the Toronto Quayside development?”

For those of you who haven’t been following the bizarre controversies surrounding what a Swedish colleague of mine has dubbed “an urban development thriller,” the Quayside drama started in October 2017.

That’s when Waterfront Toronto, the tri-governmental agency responsible for developing a portion of Toronto’s port lands, awarded a contract to a Google sister company, Sidewalk Labs, to create a smart-city development plan in a 12-acre plot of land called Quayside.”

Continue reading the full article here.

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