As Armstrong retires, Guarasci confirmed as new head of HR

Brock University is extending its gratitude to Grant Armstrong this week after he announced he will be retiring as head of the institution’s Human Resources department.

Armstrong has been Brock’s Associate Vice-President, Human Resources since September 2015. He joined the University in May 2013 as Director of Organizational Development.

His replacement is no stranger to the Brock community or to the job. Jennifer Guarasci has been acting leader of the HR unit for nearly 18 months, and is now being appointed as the permanent Associate Vice-President, Human Resources.

Guarasci joined Brock in 2010, and was serving as Director of Faculty and Staff Relations before moving to the acting AVP position in 2018 after Armstrong began a leave of absence.

Brian Hutchings, Vice-President of Administration, praised Armstrong for taking on a busy portfolio, and said the University wishes him well.

“Grant has been instrumental in assisting and helping guide the University’s direction and stability, and I know I speak for many when I wish him well in his future retirement,” said Hutchings.

Brock President Gervan Fearon thanked Guarasci for taking on the role on a permanent basis.

“I look forward to working directly with Jennifer in supporting and enhancing the experience and engagement of faculty and staff members across the University,” said Fearon. “Brock provides important post-secondary educational, research and job creation opportunities across the Niagara region and the province. Our strength is our people, who serve student and community members each and every day.”

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