BLACK AND FENTON: Canada’s labour movement must take a stand against the Saudi arms deal

Brock Assistant Professor of Labour Studies Simon Black recently co-wrote a piece published in The Conversation about the Canadian Labour Congress’s failure to take a meaningful stand against Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

The article was co-written with Anthony Fenton, a PhD candidate from York University.

Black and Fenton write:

As Canada’s largest labour organization and the political arm of the labour movement, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) has long been a voice for peace, human rights and social justice.

But on one of the most controversial issues in Canadian politics, Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia, it has failed to take a meaningful stand.

Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners are waging war in Yemen. The war has plunged the country into what the United Nations calls “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”

According to a recent UN report, approximately 70,000 Yemenis have died since the beginning of 2016. Hospitals, schools, markets and mosques are common targets for Saudi coalition airstrikes.

Continue reading the full article here.

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