Brock Media Clips for Friday, May 24

Here’s a look at some of the media attention Brock University received recently.

Brock scholarships awarded to 58 Niagara students: An event at Brock that awarded $2,500 scholarships to 58 public, private and Catholic high school students from Niagara was featured in articles from the St. Catharines Standard and Jewel 92.

London cannabis stores say they won’t join trend to cut hours: Associate Professor of Operations Research Michael Armstrong was quoted in articles from the London Free Press and Hamilton Spectator that discussed cannabis stores in Ontario cutting hours to deal with supply shortages.

What age children are the cutest, according to science: A 2018 research paper from PhD student Prarthana Franklin, Child and Youth Studies Associate Professor Tony Volk and undergraduate student Irisa Wong, that said children hit peak cuteness at six months of age, was discussed in a article.

Brock Badgers’ Tyler Brown makes pro debut in River Lions’ home opener: A St. Catharines Standard article profiled current Brock men’s basketball player Tyler Brown, who made his on-court debut with the Niagara River Lions Thursday, May 16.

Fort Erie ponders life outside of region: Political Science Professor David Siegel was quoted in a St. Catharines Standard article about the Town of Fort Erie’s ability to leave the Niagara Region and function on its own.

If you know of an appearance or story about a Brock faculty member, student, athlete or alumni, please drop us a line with a link to the story at [email protected]

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