Pink Shirt Day planned for Wednesday

The Brock community is encouraged to wear pink shirts on Wednesday, Feb. 27, as part of an annual anti-bullying awareness day.

Among the employees showing their support for Pink Shirt Day will be 75 members of OSSTF (District 35) at Brock University, which is participating in the campaign for the ninth year.

“We wear pink to stand up for all who have experienced bullying, including some of our own people,” said Greg Panas, Vice-President for OSSTF District 35 and a shipper/receiver with Brock’s Central Receiving and Mail Services.

Brock OSSTF purchased 100 bright pink T-shirts for its members from the CKNW Kids’ Fund, which raises money for anti-bullying programs that teach empathy, compassion and kindness. Several shirts were also distributed to groups on campus, such as Human Rights and Equity. Approximately $500 was raised by Brock OSSTF this year.

“We are very proud of our members’ participation on Pink Shirt Day and the work they do every day to remind others that by practising kindness to one another we can make our workplace and community a better place for everyone,” said Alison Rothwell, President for OSSTF District 35.

This year’s campaign focus is cyberbullying. Social media users are encouraged to ‘THINK’ before they post online and ask themselves if what they are posting is:






For more information, or to make an online donation, visit

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