Environmental buzzwords at centre of public discussion

“Sustainability” and “stewardship” are among the many environmental buzzwords that have become a part of everyday life.

But what exactly do those words mean?

Researchers from Brock’s Posthumanism Research Institute (PRI) and Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC) will delve deep into the meaning of these and other terms during an upcoming discussion held on campus Wednesday, Jan. 16.

Brief presentations will be given on the environmental concepts of sustainability, stewardship, transformation, resilience and consumerism, followed by an open discussion with the audience.

The event features guest speakers Julia Baird, Assistant Professor in Brock’s ESRC and the Department of Geography and Tourism Studies; Jessica Blythe, Assistant Professor in the ESRC; Christine Daigle, PRI Director and Professor of Philosophy; Trevor Norris, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies; and Ryan Plummer, Professor and ESRC Director.

The event, held from 1 to 3 p.m. in Plaza 600F, will be hosted by David Fancy, PRI member and Associate Professor, Dramatic Arts.

All are welcome to attend.

Read more stories in: Briefs, Humanities, Social Sciences
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