Brock to mark Random Act of Kindness Day this Friday

Expect to find kindness around every corner of Brock University on Friday, Nov. 2.

The University is again participating in Random Act of Kindness Day and is encouraging the Brock community to get on board.

Several departments, such as A-Z Learning Services, Brock Library, Brock University Students’ Union, Student Alumni Association and Student Life and Community Experience, will be giving away treats and gratitude cards to put smiles on the faces of random recipients.

Employees with Co-op, Career and Experiential Education and Student Life and Community Experience will be collecting donations for Tool Box Project Niagara, including essentials such as toothbrushes, soap, socks, snacks and first aid items to give to homeless men during the holiday season. Donations can be dropped off at the Student Life Involvement Commons in MCA204.

Student groups such as Brock Leaders’ Citizenship Society will be posting positive notes, while others will be raking leaves for seniors registered with Community Support Services of Niagara’s Leaf and Snow Buddies program.

Captain Kindness is also expected to return this year dressed in a morph suit to greet students and hand out high fives.

Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to embrace the spirit of the day and show kindness with a random act of their own. RAK day stories can be shared on social media using the hashtag #RAKday.

Random Act of Kindness Day is a region-wide initiative led by the Niagara Community Foundation in partnership with a number of other organizations. For more information, visit

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