HAGGART AND TUSIKOV: Why the public needs more say on data consultations

Blayne Haggart, Associate Professor of Political Science at Brock, co-wrote a piece recently published in The Conversation about the need for public consultation regarding data transformation. The article was co-written with Natasha Tusikov, Assistant Professor of Criminology at York University.

Haggart and Tusikov write:

The federal government’s recent announcement of national consultations on “digital and data transformation” was a long time coming. It’s been clear for years that “Big Data” and digital communication technologies are reshaping the foundations not only of our economy, but of society itself, and must be addressed comprehensively.

The Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development will be holding a series of regional roundtables with business, academic and civil society organizations that will include women, Indigenous peoples and other under-represented groups. Canadians can also submit comments online.

These consultations demonstrate that the government recognizes the need for input from Canadians in designing a strategy that will benefit all Canadians.

Continue reading the full article here.

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