ARMSTRONG: Summer preparations needed for fall cannabis retailing

Michael Armstrong, Associate Professor of Operations Research in Brock’s Goodman School of Business, wrote a piece recently published in the Hamilton Spectator about preparations for the sale of legalized marijuana.

Armstrong writes:

Cannabis retailing wasn’t Doug Ford’s top priority when he’s sworn-in as premier last week. But it’s on his agenda. As he said the previous week, “The stated goal … is to ensure that we can tackle the illegal market.” To prepare for that goal, he and his ministers have work to do this summer.

They can start at the Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation (OCRC). Although Ontario was the first province to pass legislation, OCRC’s behind in preparing for sales.

One concern is that it hasn’t any cannabis to sell. OCRC asked growers to submit offers in April, but hasn’t announced any contracts yet.

By contrast, Quebec already had six supply contracts signed in April. Other provinces have since announced their own.

OCRC’s retail preparations also seem stalled. It announced its first four store addresses on April 11, but hasn’t posted any updates since then. A reporter who visited the proposed Toronto site last week found just a papered-over storefront.

Continue reading the full article here.

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