ARMSTRONG: Provinces prepare to push pot

Michael Armstrong, Associate Professor of Operations Research in Brock’s Goodman School of Business, wrote a piece recently published in The Conversation about Ontario’s preparations for marijuana retailing.

Armstrong writes:

Cannabis retailing isn’t Doug Ford’s top priority as Ontario’s new premier. But it’s on his agenda. As he said in June: “The stated goal … is to ensure that we can tackle the illegal market.” To pursue that goal, Ontario and other provinces with only public sector cannabis retailing have a lot to do before sales begin Oct. 17.

One of Ford’s first meetings this month might be with the Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation (OCRC). Back in December, Ontario became the first province to pass enabling legislation. But it’s fallen behind in implementation.

One problem is that the OCRC hasn’t confirmed any cannabis to sell. It asked growers to submit offers in April, but hasn’t announced any contracts yet.

Similarly, Nova Scotia is apparently still considering growers’ proposals.

Continue reading the full article here.

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