VPR appoints Interim Associate Vice-President, Research

Michelle McGinn has been appointed Interim Associate Vice-President, Research.

“Professor McGinn is a successful, respected and active researcher in her own right, and an experienced research administrator,” says Vice-President, Research Tim Kenyon in announcing the appointment, which will see McGinn in the role for up to two years. “It is a great pleasure to welcome her into the Interim AVPR role.”

McGinn says she excited to take on her new role.

“Our institution has excellent supports in place to facilitate research,” says McGinn. “I aim to contribute to that system, whether that’s supporting the staff who provide those direct, frontline services, or working with faculty to determine what we can do for them so that they can focus their efforts on their research.”

Formerly Associate Dean, Graduate Student Services, Research, and International in the Faculty of Education, McGinn brings to the position her expertise in higher education, particularly related to the formation and implementation of research teams that cut across subject matters and disciplines.

Her early dissertation work focused on the sociology of science, where she interacted with a range of scientists and documented their work practices. Her more recent work has focused primarily on social science research teams and the broader research policy landscape in Ontario.

McGinn is in the midst of completing a Mohawk College certificate in research administration co-offered by the Canadian Association of Research Administrators.

“This has given me a broad appreciation of the various staffing positions and roles that support research,” she says. “This broad foundation will serve me well because my new position will require me to respond to the often time-sensitive needs of researchers and coordinate the efforts of teams across campus. I will play a facilitative role across a range of projects, opportunities, and challenges.”

Some of McGinn’s initial priority areas include:

  • Working with the Vice-President, Research and the Associate Deans to consult on, and create, the Strategic Research Plan.
  • Updating research policies and procedures to ensure compliance and to streamline when appropriate.
  • Filling existing research support vacancies and enhancing research support from the offices of the Vice-President and Research Services.

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