BURTON: The China-U.S. conflict is about much more than trade

Charles Burton, an associate professor of Political Science at Brock, wrote a piece recently published in The Conversation about the China-U.S. trade conflict.

Burton writes:

The recent unprecedented, high-level U.S. delegation to Beijing has left China highly dissatisfied.

The group included U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and America’s toughest China critics, including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and presidential trade adviser Peter Navarro.

In the weeks after the trip, reports emerged about a “screaming match”between Navarro, a hardline protectionist where China’s concerned, and Mnunchin, who met one-on-one with his Chinese counterpart, angering Navarro.

But regardless of tensions among American officials, the United States wants to see active measures from China to unconditionally reduce America’s US$375 billion annual trade deficit by US$100 billion this coming year, and another US$100 billion the year after. If not, the U.S. says it will impose tariffs on a total of US$150 billion in Chinese imports.

Continue reading the full article here.

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