Students honoured with President’s Surgite Awards

They’re student leaders who have made significant contributions to Brock University or the wider community, and on Monday they were honoured with the President’s Surgite Awards.

Ten Brock students from across the University’s seven Faculties were given the awards in recognition for the work they’ve done during their time studying here.

“Students at Brock are supported and encouraged to develop their leadership, academic, student life and community engagement skills and contributions,” said President Gervan Fearon. “The students receiving these awards have excelled at these activities and exemplify the values of being outstanding students at the University and across the broader community.”

Aynsley Maves, a Concurrent Education student who was also a member of the varsity cross-country team, said the honour from the President was appreciated.

“Throughout my four years at Brock, I have worked hard to make the most of my undergraduate experience. I participated in varsity athletics and passionately dedicated my time to both my academics and charitable initiatives,” she said. “While I did not commit myself to any of these endeavours for the purposes of recognition, I was highly honoured to be acknowledged by Dr. Fearon and the rest of the President’s Surgite Award selection committee.”

Tom Dunk, Interim Provost and Vice-President, Academic, said the awards are meant to be an extra achievement students can use as they head out into the workforce.

“We recognize in that doing what you’ve done, it’s good for your resumés, but you’ve also improved the lives of our students and life at Brock, and in some cases, within the broader community. We recognize your contribution to making everyone proud of Brock locally, nationally and beyond.”

2017-18 President’s Surgite Award winners:

  • Allison Flynn-Bowman, Community Health
  • Aniqah Zowmi, Social Justice and Equity Studies
  • Evans Boadi, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Sarah Mohammed, Child Health
  • Nicholas Lepore, Accounting
  • Michael Tolentino, Biolomedical Sciences
  • Aynsley Maves, Concurrent Education
  • Christine Saleeb, Medical Sciences
  • Vanessa Cservid, Medical Sciences
  • Matthew McGarr, Medical Sciences

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