Facilities Management is busy preparing the main campus cooling systems at the central chilling plant for summer operation.
Due to the type of heating and cooling system that is used at Brock University, many buildings on the main campus are not capable of heating and cooling during the same cycle.
With the arrival of warm temperatures during the day and lower outside temperatures at night, building heating at this time of year still remains a priority.
As typical springtime daily cycles continue, some areas on the main campus will experience higher than normal temperatures during regular office hours.
Facilities Management staff will continue to make the main campus as comfortable as possible by bringing cool air into the areas that are normally cooled by the central chilling plant unit until nighttime heating is no longer required.
If your area experiences cooling issues, please refrain from operating any heat producing equipment that is not necessary and shut off any lighting that is not required. Offices with windows should close blinds when possible to keep out radiant heat.
If your area is experiencing any extreme or ongoing temperature issues, please notify Facilities Management Customer Service or call x3717, or contact Dave McArthur, Director, Maintenance and Utilities Services (Interim) at dmcarthur@brocku.ca or x3278.