Valentine’s Day rose sale helps community

It’s not too late to get a rose for that special someone.

The Brock Niagara Rotaract Club will be selling roses to students, staff and faculty just in time for Valentine’s Day.

All proceeds from the Feb. 13 and 14 sale will go to the group’s fundraising project, Hygiene for Humanity.

The project collects donated hygiene supplies and distributes them locally and abroad. To do this, Hygiene for Humanity has teamed up with the Arvada Community Food Bank and Medical Teams International to distribute the products with the goal of making a positive difference all across the world.

Club member Celyn Talaue says the event presents all members of the Brock community with the chance to show others that they care.

“On Valentine’s Day, when you buy a rose, you show your friends, family and community that you care and want to make a difference,” she said.

Brock Niagara Rotaract Valentine’s Day Rose Sale
Mackenzie Chown A Block hallway or Computer Commons (Fishbowl)
Tuesday, Feb. 13 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Prices: $3 for one rose, $15 for six, $30 for 12

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