LIZEE: How foreign policy experts can work around Donald Trump

Pierre Lizee, a professor of Political Science at Brock, recently wrote a piece published in The Conversation about U.S. President Donald Trump and the ability for experts to have say over his foreign policy.

Lizee writes:

Donald Trump desperately needs a foreign policy doctrine.

He does have his views on global politics. Witness his speech at the United Nations in mid-September, where he called for a world where states do nothing more than jealously guard their sovereignty. (He used the word almost two dozen times.)

But slogans aren’t strategy. On North Korea or Syria, for instance, he offers bluster but little else.

And he doesn’t listen to those who know better. In the one case where he did listen to the advice of his generals —Afghanistan — he still ended up pledging more force, but fell shortof anything resembling a more mature strategy of diplomacy, aid and regional cooperation that might have helped end the conflict.

Why is that? Why is it that Donald Trump cannot arrive at some eureka moment in his foreign policy, and get help in devising an overarching longer-term strategy for the U.S. that acknowledges the realities of global leadership?

Continue reading the full article here.

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