ARMSTRONG, HERATH: Ransomware like Bad Rabbit is big business

Michael Armstrong, an associate professor of operations research, and Teju Herath, an associate professor of information systems, both of Brock’s Goodman School of Business, co-authored a piece recently published in The Conversation about ransomware cyberattacks.

They write:

October is Cybersecurity Awareness month, which is being observed in the United StatesEurope, and elsewhere around the world. Ironically, it began with updates about a large-scale hack, and is ending with a large-scale ransomware outbreak.

Internet firm Yahoo kicked things off on Oct. 3 when it admitted that hackers in 2013 had accessed information about all three billion of its user accounts, not “just” the one billion first reported.

Ransomware “Bad Rabbit” is providing the finale with attacks that began Oct. 24. So far, the outbreak is mostly affecting business computers in Russia.

Continue reading the full story here.

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