RUEBOTTOM, AUSTER: How a rock concert inspires social change

Trish Ruebottom, a Brock assistant professor of strategic management, recently co-wrote a piece published in The Conversation about an annual concert, We Day, and its ability to create a community of ‘change-makers.’ The piece was co-authored by Ellen Auster, a professor of strategic management at York University.

Ruebottom and Auster write:

The world is awash with massive inter-sectional social problems, from devastating hurricanes and tsunamis driven by climate change to the refugee crisis, racism and the rise of white nationalism.

We have a huge need for widespread social change. And this includes all of us changing the way we live if we’re going to truly address any of these issues.

Yet many of us seem content to simply continue on with our lives. We are either actively trying to maintain the status quo or pursuing our own self interests; and we are only able to see the world from our own perspectives.

How can we shake up ourselves and our neighbours in our everyday lives in order to get everyone involved in creating social change?

Continue reading the full article here.

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