Brock Media Clips for Wednesday, Aug. 23

Here’s a look at some of the media attention Brock University received recently.

West Nile Epidemic in Ontario is imminent, says expert: Professor Fiona Hunter, director of Brock’s Centre for Vector-Borne Diseases, along with PhD candidate Bryan Giordano received headlines across the country Wednesday after a research paper was published predicting an impending outbreak of West Nile virus. The story was picked up by CTV National News, CP24, The Toronto Sun (and other Postmedia outlets across Canada), CBC, MSN Canada, Yahoo Canada and numerous other radio stations, television outlets and online news sources. The pair, along with researcher Sukhdeep Kaur, also did numerous interviews throughout the day Wednesday, with more expected Thursday.

Forget NAFTA, the roaring silence around trade talks with China is even more troubling: Brock professor Charles Burton wrote an article for the Conversation Canada about trade issues with China. It was republished in Maclean’s, as well as in newspapers across the country including the National Post, Montreal Gazette, Edmonton Journal, Vancouver Province, Calgary Sun and others.

GALLERY: Brock gives tour of business school expansion: Andrew Gaudes, the new Dean of the Goodman School of Business, gave the media a tour of $22 million expansion and renovation project Tuesday. The St. Catharines Standard and CHCH News picked up the story.

Thorold’s first Vietnamese restaurant to open: Andy Tang, a former cook at Brock University has struck out on his own and is opening Thorold’s first Vietnamese restaurant with his wife.

Did we miss something? If you know of an appearance or story about a Brock faculty member, student, athlete or alumni, please drop us a line with a link to the story at

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