ARMSTRONG: North Korea missile crisis echoes Israel’s anti-rocket strategy

Michael Armstrong, an associate professor in Brock’s Goodman School of Business, has written a piece recently published in The Conversation comparing the North Korea missile crisis to Israel’s anti-rocket strategy.

Armstrong writes:

North Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles have been making headlines again. There’s also been serious controversy over how the United States and other countries should react to that threat.

To that end, it might help to examine Israel’s experience in dealing with actual rocket attacks. Some of my research has explored the properties of its interceptor systems.

Israel is a leader in missile countermeasures because of its neighbours. It has experienced rocket fire for more than a decade from Hamas militants in Gaza and Hezbollah militants in Lebanon. The country hasn’t forgotten Iraq’s 1991 Scud missile strikes. It also worries about future attacks from Syria and Iran.

Continue reading the full article here.

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