Brock in the News — May 27-June 2

Brock University names new president

On June 1, Brock University announced Dr. Gervan Fearon as its new President and Vice-Chancellor. Fearon currently resides in Manitoba as Brandon University President. He will be taking his post as of Aug. 1: St. Catharines Standard and 1290 CJBK

Low wage earners praise minimum wage hike while businesses express concern

While Ontario citizens seem to be divided by the Liberal government’s recent minimum wage hike, Labour Studies professor Simon Black explains to CBC why it’s beneficial for both workers and businesses.

Youth mental health demand is exploding. How universities and business are scrambling to react

Toronto Star surveyed post-secondary institutions across the country to determine how universities are responding to students’ mental wellness needs. Included in the data was Brock’s services and programs, which have doubled since 2014.

Brock research helps rattlesnake recovery

Masters student Anne Yagi has been studying Massasauga rattlesnakes for over 15 years, helping to rehabilitate the hibernation grounds for the species at risk through her research: St. Catharines Standard

Early exercise in entrepreneurship pays off

The Goodman School of Business is molding the next generation of entrepreneurs by engaging local Grade 4 students in an experiential learning opportunity that involved lemonade and marketing skills: St. Catharines Standard and 610 CKTB

A different way

Education professor David Hutchison weighs in on the benefits and possible challenges of project-based learning compared to traditional education in U.S. publication Inlander.

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