Brock in the News — June 10-16

Brock’s enrolment stats encouraging

At the height of the student registration cycle, Brock University’s growth rate for confirmed applicants is in the top four of all Ontario universities. Brock’s rate of confirmations is 8.6 per cent ahead of a year ago, compared to the Ontario university average growth rate of 1.1 per cent. This top story was featured in the St. Catharines Standard.

Unemployment rates increasing but jobs still available

With more than 3,500 new Brock graduates entering the workforce, Economics Professor Felice Martinello advises not to get discouraged by current unemployment rates, as these statistics are influenced by many factors: St. Catharines Standard

Niagara homebuyer ‘feeding frenzy’ slowing down

The local housing market has been on a hot streak and while sales are starting to slow, homes are maintaining their value. Goodman School of Business Professor Fayez Elayan explains in the St. Catharines Standard why Niagara is just now catching up to average home values in Ontario.

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