PODCAST: Exchange and competition experience leads to career success

In this week’s Conversations with Goodman podcast, host Susan LeBlanc talks to business communications graduate Vanessa Hartwick (BA ’16) about her Brock experience and how it led to full-time employment in her field before graduating.

Hartwick returned to campus recently to speak to Goodman School of Business students in a marketing class, and offered advice for students who are looking for jobs.

Hartwick said students need to differentiate themselves and to highlight their unique experiences.

A past winner of the Grant Dobson Case Competition and a sports broadcaster for BrockTV during her time as a student, Hartwick had many unique experiences to draw on in interviews.

“It was one of the best experiences I had at Brock,” Hartwick said of the Grant Dobson Case Competition.

She also participated in an international exchange at the University of Mannheim in Germany for a year, and said the experience helped her become more adaptable and independent.

Hartwick is now working as an assistant manager of marketing at Flexiti Financial.

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