PODCAST: Upcoming experiential opportunity in Ecuador

Conversations with Goodman host Susan LeBlanc talks to experiential education coordinator David Dipietro about an exciting opportunity coming up for Goodman School of Business students.

Goodman has partnered with Solidarity Experiences Abroad to coordinate a trip to Guayaquil, Ecuador that will see business students partnering with local entrepreneurs to help them launch their businesses.

Service-Learning is an experiential learning approach that is often integrated into classroom learning at Brock. Students are grouped and connected with local not-for-profit organizations or small businesses to deliver solutions to their business challenges.

Students benefit greatly from this unique learning style which allows them to get their hands on real business problems and apply their knowledge in a different, very impactful, way.

Mix that approach with a trip to Ecuador, and students suddenly have twice as many things to talk about in a job interview.

Both Service-Learning and international exchanges are unique experiences that students can translate into skill development on their resumes.

“You’re applying everything that you learned in class and now you’re going a little bit outside your comfort zone, you’re going on an international trip, and you’re getting to help entrepreneurs in Ecuador,” said Dipietro.

The trip, which will take place May 4-17, is open to any Goodman student. Solidarity Experiences Abroad will run pre-departure programming to prepare students in advance and the $3,296 ticket price includes flights, accommodation, meals and tours for the 14 days.

Students participating in the trip will be facilitating and delivering workshops about entrepreneurship while learning about local culture and customs.

Applications for May 2017 are due in January.

This podcast is the latest in the Conversations with Goodman series which is produced by the Goodman Marketing, Communications and Alumni Relations team and features guests from the Goodman community.

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