PODCAST: Good Morning Goodman welcomes Brock’s new CPA Ontario student recruiter

Good Morning Goodman continues this week with hosts Susan LeBlanc and Amanda Malkiewich welcoming Brock University’s new CPA Ontario student recruiter Ashley Routliffe and congratulating Mallory Rellinger, who worked as Brock’s student recruiter for the past two years, on her new position at CPA Ontario. Routliffe will be on campus Monday, Nov. 28 to hold office hours and information session about the CPA designation. Students can sign up for appointments through CareerZone.

The duo also congratulate Goodman students Demi Xie, Pauline Xue, Vincent Lau, Justyn Ho and Lauryn Davidson who placed fifth overall as a team at LIVE last weekend. LIVE is an interdisciplinary business competition hosted by the University of Toronto. A second team from Goodman – made up of students Alexa Pong, Vik Narula, Roohi Beg, Maxime Muria-Courchesne and Besma Naguib – won a $500 prize for winning a networking challenge at the competition. Goodman Student Ambassador Association (SAA) President Arusa Mithani also won the Campus Brand Manager of the Year award at the competition. Goodman SAA is a student organization that helps tell the Goodman story to local high school students and coordinated Goodman’s participation at the LIVE competition.

MBA student Chenxu Feng won the 3M Canada case at the DeGroote MBA Case Competition last weekend, an MBA student competition hosted earlier this month at the DeGroote School of Business.

Students interested in marketing can attend the annual Terry O’Malley Lecture in Marketing and Advertising which takes place Nov. 22 at 7:30 p.m. and features Andrew Bailey, Partner and CEO of The&Partnership, a marketing and communications agency. The lecture is hosted by Brock’s Department of Communication, Popular Culture and Film. Limited complementary tickets are available by emailing events@brocku.ca.

The Goodman Accounting Students’ Association (ASA) and Brock Finance and Investment Group (BFIG) are both hiring students for next year’s executive teams. Both student associations provide students with leadership and skill development opportunities. Details are on CareerZone.

Produced by the Goodman Marketing, Communications and Alumni Relations team, this is the latest in the Good Morning Goodman series which updates the Goodman School of Business community weekly on important news and events.

0:42 – Congratulations to Distinguished Graduate Marty Philp
1:08 – Congratulations 3M Canada Case Winner Chen Xu Feng
1:35 – Congratulations to our LIVE Competition competitors
2:45 – Terry O’Malley Lecture
3:29 – BFIG & ASA Hiring for 2017
3:54 – Welcome to CPA Ontario Representative Ashley Routliffe
4:27 – CPA Ontario Info Session & Office Hours
4:41 – KPMG Ace The Case
5:11 – Alumni Shoutout: Maria Yurukova
5:56 – PepsiCo Apprentice Challenge
6:54 – BioLinc
7:06 – Professional Headshot Photography
7:22 – Construction Update

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