Goodman students promote Cyber Security Awareness month

As Cyber Security Awareness month came to an end Oct. 31, students from Brock’s Goodman School of Business had an opportunity to feature their class assignments as part of the “Think before you click” campaign being led by Brock’s Information Technology Services (ITS) department.

Undergraduate and graduate students taught by Teju Herath, Associate Professor of Information Systems, developed posters with the goal of increasing on-campus awareness of cyber security. The artwork was then judged by Associate Vice-President of Information Technology David Cullum, along with ITS Client Services Director Andy Morgan, technical analyst Russ Fisenko and Goodman Associate Professor Michael Armstrong.

BBA students Muhammad Faraan Ashraf and Haya Siddiqui and BBA Dual Degree student Haley Thomson won for their ransomware poster, while MBA students Anirudh Bharadwaj, Lakshmi Radhakrishnan, Shamsher Singh and Ashish Wadhwa won for their phishing poster.

Judges praised the conception and visual impact of the winning posters.

“They used graphics well and were simple to understand, even for those who may not know much about cyber security and why it is so important to all of us,” said Cullum.

“Students are the future and will help to shape the digital world and the security risks that come with it.”

Cyber Security Awareness Poster

Students Anirudh Bharadwaj, Lakshmi Radhakrishnan, Shamsher Singh and Ashish Wadhwa won the cyber security poster competition for their phishing poster design.

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