PODCAST: Distinguished Leader and Beta Gamma Sigma honouree announced

This week’s Good Morning Goodman podcast series continues with co-hosts Susan LeBlanc and Amanda Malkiewich announcing the 2016 Goodman School of Business Distinguished Leader and Beta Gamma Sigma Honouree recipients.

This year’s Distinguished Leader is Ms. Martine Irman, Vice Chair and Head of Global Enterprise Banking, TD Securities and Senior Vice President, TD Bank Group. Goodman students, staff and faculty can attend her public lecture in Pond Inlet on Oct. 26 at 9:30 a.m. Students must register on CareerZone.

Shannon Passero, owner of the Post Office fashion boutique store in Thorold, will be inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma Saturday along with 50 Goodman students. Beta Gamma Sigma is an international academic honours society.

CPA Ontario recruiter Mallory Rellinger will be on campus again on Oct. 24 and will be holding three sessions where students can learn more about the designation and meet the Brock CPA Ontario Student Ambassadors. Rellinger is also holding office hours on the same day.

Registration is open for the Etiquette Dinner hosted by the Goodman Career Development Office and sponsored by CPA Ontario. On Oct. 25, Goodman students can enjoy a three-course meal while learning from a professional etiquette consultant. As dining in professional settings is becoming increasingly important, this is an important event which sells out quickly every year.

The ETS Major Field Test is being administered on campus once again on Oct. 25. Goodman students are invited to write the standardized multiple choice test to see how their business knowledge stacks up against their peers internationally.

Upper year undergraduate students interested in competing at Queen’s University’s Inter-Collegiate Business Competition in the finance and information systems categories are encouraged to speak with Prof. Todd Green by Wednesday, Oct. 12.

The Brock University Accounting Conference is hiring student delegates as well as student volunteers for the conference which will be held in November. Interested students can apply by Friday, Oct. 14 to be a delegate and next Thursday, Oct. 20 to be a volunteer.

All event and job posting details are on CareerZone.

Produced by the Goodman Marketing, Communications and Alumni Relations team, this is the latest in the Good Morning Goodman series which updates the Goodman School of Business community weekly on important news and events.

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