Dairy research study looking for additional participants

Additional participants are being sought for a research study at Brock University examining the role dairy plays in the diet and exercise efforts of overweight teenage girls.

The research team is recruiting girls from around Niagara to take part in the three-month study, led by Assistant Professor of Kinesiology Andrea Josse.

“The study is currently underway and so far we have received excellent feedback from the participants involved. We are still looking to recruit up to 50 more participants before the study wraps up next year,” she said.

Participants will be exercising with personal trainers three times a week and will receive personal diet counselling from a dietitian. Participants will also receive specialized devices to help them monitor their physical activity and to help with the exercise training. Some of the girls will be asked to consume a certain amount of dairy foods per day, while others will not. The research team will provide milk, yogurt and cheese to participants in the dairy group.

Josse said the research study, funded by the Dairy Farmers of Canada, will specifically look at the role of dairy products in weight management.

The main measures of the study will be body composition and bone health. Researchers are also assessing fitness and strength, and other cardiovascular disease risk factors such as cholesterol, blood sugars and insulin.

All of the girls, whether they are in the dairy group or non-dairy group can expect to see changes including loss of fat mass, an increase in cardio fitness and strength and a greater knowledge of nutrition.

The study is recruiting overweight girls who are 10-16, have menstruated, do not perform regular physical activity and consume a diet low in dairy products.

They will receive an iPod shuffle or iTunes gift card along with a Fitbit, for their participation in the study.

For more information, or to participate in the study, call 905-688-5550 x5826 or email ideal.brocku@gmail.com.

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, News, Research
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