Grad Studies Writerly Wednesdays launching this week

Writers from the Brock University graduate community are invited to a weekly drop-in writing session hosted by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and VITAE Partners.

Writerly Wednesdays take place each week from noon to 2 p.m. in Thistle 253. The two-hour sessions will begin with a 20 min facilitated conversation or presentation on topics related to writers and writing. The rest of the time the group will write.

Writerly Wednesday Schedule:

Wednesday, Sept. 14: Creating Your Writing Practice – Only you can create and commit to a habit of writing that is right for you to help you both flourish and finish. Together, we’ll discuss and share insights and tips we’ve gained about our writing practices. Lianne Fisher, Centre for Pedagogical Innovation. 

Wednesday, Sept. 21: Struggling With Citations? There’s a Tool for That! – Citation management software can help you store and organize references and save time by automatically generating in-text citations and bibliographies. This session will introduce you to the range of features available in three free web-based citation management tools: Endnote Basic, Zotero and Mendeley. Jennifer Thiessen, Library Services. 

Wednesday, Sept. 28: Finding Your Writer’s Voice & Identity – Have you considered why you write and to whom you are writing to? How do you want to be known. Are you ready to make some courageous changes? In this session, we’ll address these big questions and help you discover your writer’s voice and identity. Snežana Ratkovi?, Faculty of Education

Wednesday, Oct. 5: Pomodoro Power – It’s midterm. Learn the Pomodoro technique to manage time and keep yourself writing. We’ll introduce this simple format and then power write throughout our time block. Michelle McGinn Faculty of Education.  

Wednesday, Oct. 12: TBA ‘Open Mic’

Wednesday, Oct. 19: Imposters Amongst Us: How to Write Even When You Feel Like a Fraud – It’s common for graduate students to feel underqualified and unprepared despite tremendous skills and accomplishments. Let’s talk about these feelings and how to move beyond them. Michelle McGinn, Faculty of Education

Wednesday, Oct. 26: Sketchnoting: Using Visual Notes to Structure Your Writing – Explore non-linear methods of organizing information to record, brainstorm, plan, and communicate your ideas. Giulia Forsythe, Centre for Pedagogical Innovation 

Wednesday, Nov. 2: Creative Outlines – This free flow responsive writing activity will help you 1) think about conceptualizing your ideas, 2) make your implicit ideas explicit, 3) identify any gaps in your thinking, and 4) with a strategy you can apply in your future writing. Nicola Simmons, Faculty of Education

For details and other grad writing workshops visit

For schedule and calendar visit:

Read more stories in: Briefs, Graduate Studies
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