A warm welcome to all students from Brock U Chancellor Shirley Cheechoo

It gives me great pleasure to extend a very warm welcome on behalf of Brock University. No matter your race or circumstance, we are delighted to have you here to participate and to share your knowledge. We want you to achieve your full potential, and we are thankful for your safe arrival.

We acknowledge that many of you traveled from afar, and I want to say to the parents that we recognize your commitment and the tremendous effort you make. This shows us how important our work is here at Brock. To students, remember that Brock and your parents are here to provide assistance in your development and ongoing education. You must prepare yourself, for you will be challenged, but you will also be inspired and motivated so you can achieve your goals.

It is a pleasure to have so many of you here. There are friends waiting to be met, so don’t be shy, go out and meet them. Returning students, remember how you felt on your first day. Say ‘Hi’ to people as you walk down the halls. Enjoy this opportunity to make friends, renew your contacts and enjoy the rich student experience.

Remember to be a part of your student council, a group with shared interests, where you can discuss problems, events or changes you would like to see. Bring them to us. We will do what we can to make your studies here at Brock effective and pleasant.

I wish you all a successful year in your work here at Brock University.


Shirley Cheechoo
Chancellor, Brock University

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