A message to the Brock community from Board Chair John Suk

I am writing to provide the Brock community with an update on the status of the University’s leadership structure.

As we manage our way through a period of extraordinary change here at Brock, I have been impressed but not surprised by the ability of the University’s senior team to continue to deliver an exceptional experience for our students.

John Suk

John Suk

As has been pointed out by many, the Fall term is off to a very successful start. The first two weeks were fantastic, with O-week, the start of classes, Spirit Days and Homecoming activities all providing a distinct, memorable Brock experience for all involved. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I offer sincere congratulations to everyone at Brock for a successful September start of term.

The University is looking forward to a busy year. As the Board prepares to appoint an Acting President for what will be an extended period of time, trustees recognize the need for a strong administration as Brock deals with some significant tasks. These include working with the Ontario government on a new funding formula for universities as well as on Brock’s next Strategic Mandate Agreement; negotiating new collective agreements with some of our employee groups; sustaining enrolment in an era of demographic decline; and successfully managing major capital building projects on campus.

These priorities, and the overarching importance of the Brock student experience, provide the perspective that the Board will use in determining the Acting President. Since early September, the Board has consulted in good faith with many members of the Brock community, and in particular with Senate. All of the input, advice and suggestions will be carefully considered.

Trustees will make their decision based on what is in the best short-term interests of Brock, while the very important searches for the University’s next President, Provost, and Vice-President Research — the team who will lead Brock in the long term — are conducted and concluded.

When the Board has confirmed the next Acting President, that person will, in turn, name an Acting Provost. Until then, Vice Provost and Associate Vice-President Academic Greg Finn will serve as the Acting Provost.

Our students, their families, the community and our external partners expect and deserve quality programming, operational stability and exceptional leadership, and we will ensure that is delivered. I look forward to updating the Brock community as we move forward.

John Suk
Chair, Board of Trustees
Brock University

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