PODCAST: Goodman grad finds value in big data

Regan Fitzgerald (BA ’13, MBA ’16) joins Conversations with Goodman host Susan LeBlanc to talk about the path that led her to the MBA program at Brock’s Goodman School of Business.

Fitzgerald, who graduated from Brock with a degree in psychology, found her way to the MBA by working with marketing professor Antonia Mantonakis in the consumer cognition and perception lab.

“That’s where I really began to see the overlap between psychological principles and consumer behaviour or marketing. I learned that what I had learned in my undergrad was applicable in the business world and from there it really inspired me to take that next step in my career and pursue the MBA,” said Fitzgerald.

Fitzgerald, who graduated this past June, saw the business analytics specialization as a way to align the analytical skills she learned in her undergraduate degree with business acumen and leadership skills.

Throughout her MBA degree, Fitzgerald get involved with the Goodman Graduate Business Council and volunteered as the VP internal affairs in her final year. She assisted with providing training and professional development opportunities for Goodman graduate students through events such as Advanced Excel Bootcamp, SAS certification and financial modelling.

One highlight of her MBA degree was attending the Beta Gamma Sigma Global Leadership Summit in Orlando, FL after being inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma in her first year of the MBA. Beta Gamma Sigma is an international academic honours society that recognizes top business students.

Fitzgerald, who is now working at PepsiCo Foods Canada, advises students to get involved and form strong connections while on campus to make their university experience a memorable one.

This podcast is the latest in the Conversations with Goodman series which is produced by the Goodman Marketing, Communications and Alumni Relations team and features guests from the Goodman community.

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