PODCAST: Goodman grad tells students to be themselves

This week’s Conversations with Goodman podcast guest is Senior Manager with KPMG Dawn Lagesten (BAcc’09) who talks to host Susan LeBlanc about her day-to-day role as an accountant and how she spent her time at Goodman.

“In hindsight, I probably would’ve got involved more at Brock,” she says. “I do a lot of events now at Brock, so I see how a lot of these events are beneficial for your career in ways you wouldn’t expect.”

Dawn was recently named a recipient of the Niagara 40 Under Forty award in light of her work with small businesses and her involvement in the community.

“Up until three years ago, I wasn’t really involved in the community. Then it really clicked: I work in the community, I live in the community, I should really get involved.”

Dawn felt it was important to find causes she felt really passionate about. After initially getting involved with the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara (first as a Treasurer, then as Board Chair) she also became involved in the United Way, Leadership Niagara, the Niagara Sustainability Initiative and RAFT.

When asked if she had any guidance for current Goodman students, Dawn advises: “Just be yourself. Don’t try to be someone else in your personal life versus someone professionally. Eventually those walls will break down.”

This podcast is the latest in the Conversations with Goodman series which is produced by the Goodman Marketing, Communications and Alumni Relations team and features guests from the Goodman community.

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