Malware alert: Think before you click

As hackers inflict increasing damage on websites and data systems, Brock University officials are warning campus email users about opening attachments or clicking on ads and links from unfamiliar sources.

The caution comes amid a global surge of malicious software — or malware — hits on companies and institutions, from the Wendy’s fast-food chain to a serious attack that forced the University of Calgary to pay a ransom in order to regain control of its email system.

David Cullum, Brock’s Associate Vice-President of IT, said no university or business is immune to attacks, but the Brock community can reduce the risk by being aware of how fraudsters and data thieves get into seemingly secure systems.

An alert issued by ITS encourages faculty and staff to educate themselves on how malware gets into systems when people open ads or click on links on websites or in fraudulent emails that purport to come from banks, security companies or even from Brock’s own ITS department.

“Education is everything,” said Cullum. “We can have all the firewall technology you want, but all it takes is one person to click on a fake ad, and you’ve let malicious people into our system.”

If an email or website seems suspicious or not legitimate, don’t click on it. When in doubt, he said, seek advice from the ITS Help Desk at ext 4357 or

“Remember, Brock ITS will never, ever send out emails asking for peoples’ usernames or passwords.”

Cullum also implored the Brock community to closely monitor the Cyber Security Awareness campaign being used by ITS to educate people on safe use of the web.



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