LEAP into your future at Brock

Student Life and Community Experience is ready to welcome incoming Brock students to LEAP, a summer program designed to transition students into university life before September.

“The transition to a new school can be overwhelming,” said Haley Veronyak, events co-ordinator for Student Life. “LEAP is a program that helps students to foster a connection to Brock before officially stepping foot on campus.”

During this two-day program, students will spend a night in residence, tour downtown St. Catharines, experience city transit, volunteer with a community organization and learn what they can expect at Brock.

By providing students with a road map to success, LEAP aims to build self-confidence and strong leaders within the Brock community.

Veronyak pointed to first-year Biochemistry student Oyinda Laguuju as a great example, as she learned that she “is capable of being a leader” because of LEAP.

“The takeaway for the students is very impactful,” Veronyak said. “We see many of the participants go on to become heavily involved in campus activities and in the community in just their first year.”

Click here to register for LEAP and find more information about the program.

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