CLASS OF 2016: Alex Hobbs heading to law school

As a highly competitive student during his time at Brock University,it’s no surprise that alumnus Alex Hobbs (BA ’16) has been accepted to law school in Ottawa in September.

His goal is to work with international relations and he has spent the last few years as President of Brock’s National Model United Nations, growing his network on campus and developing relationships with students from different faculties.

“Admission to law school is highly competitive so I’m lucky,” said Hobbs.

During his second year at Brock, Hobbs founded Brock’s first internationally competing model United Nations team and was in charge of educating students in the basics of international relations and United Nations procedure, resolution and policy formation.

The team competed at the National Model United Nations conference in New York, the largest such event in the world, with 5,000 students from more than 35 countries attending.

“Getting involved on campus complimented my academic studies and lead to incredible opportunities,” said Hobbs

Hobbs encourages students to expand their networks early on during University with peers, and to stay connected after graduation.

“You never know what they’ll be doing in the future and whether or not their business interests will be similar to yours,” he said.

Hobbs will begin at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law in September as well as the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs to complete a partnered Master of Arts in International Affairs and Juris Doctor Program combined four-year program.

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