Brock in the News – May 28-June3

Brock to welcome the world as Canada wins bid for global wine summit

The 10th International Cool Climate Wine Symposium coming to Canada was the top story of the week, gaining widespread attention locally and nationally from 97.7 HTZ-FM, Drinks Business, Harpers, Cantech Letter, CHCH News, 105.7 EZ Rock, 610 CKTB and Jewel FM 92. The symposium will take place in July 2020 with Brock University being the host site for the conference.

Aristotle’s tomb has NOT been found: Archaeologists doubt claims that philosopher’s final resting place was discovered in Greece

Earlier this week, a well-known archaeologist claimed to know where Aristotle’s tomb is located, with many other archaeologists doubting the validity of his findings, including Brock professor Angus Smith, who commented on the story on the Daily Mail UK and Live Science.

Trade with China never comes free

Political Science professor Charles Burton pens an op-ed in the Globe and Mail discussing Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s surprise visit to Canada this past Wednesday. That same day, Yi’s response to a human rights question caused a stir in the media, with local radio station 610 CKTB bringing Burton on the show to discuss the incident.

Why even small businesses can benefit from a basic website

A business’ online presence has proven to be a factor in influencing customers to buy their products, as professor Antonia Mantonakis’ research finds. She was recently featured in a Central Valley Business Times podcast, explaining the growth of online shopping and how businesses can benefit from it.

The science of sports fanaticism; Experts weigh in on how our undying love for our teams really affects us

Sports fandom and dedication to a team has experts such as Sport Management professor Craig Hyatt discussing the relationship between the fans and their teams. Hyatt explains to the Ottawa Sun that undying loyalty just isn’t cutting it anymore, and fans are all too quick to abandon their team.

Making the argument for recognition for historic Canadian women

Brock University professor Lissa Paul has been studying the lack of information available on notable Canadian women. She wrote an opinion piece on the topic for the Globe and Mail.

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