Bus shelter construction brings a slight detour

Pedestrians and transit riders in front of Schmon Tower will have slight detours for a few days as workers install concrete pads for new bus shelters in the University’s main transit hub.

Work is expected to begin Tuesday March 29 and the pads should be completed by April 7, if the weather cooperates.

Buses that normally stop on the east side of Isaac Brock Boulevard will be moved across the quad to temporary stops on the west side, in what is normally metered parking spaces for vehicles. The metered parking spots on the west side will be unavailable during the work.

Pedestrians will also have to use the west side Isaac Brock Boulevard until the bus shelters are completed.

At the same time, workers will also be completing concrete work on the south side of the Walker Complex, on the exit ramp from the Ian Beddis Gym. This will not affect vehicle traffic, though pedestrians should use caution, and some noise disruptions are anticipated.

Please see the project map for details.

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