PODCAST: Prof. Lisa Barrow on Conversations with Goodman

This week’s Conversations with Goodman podcast features Prof. Lisa Barrow, an international workplace bullying researcher.

Prof. Barrow describes workplace bullying as repetitive behaviour that seeks to demean a targeted individual in the form of public humiliation, work sabotage or denied opportunities.

Workplace bullying can have a big impact and Prof. Barrow stresses that some employees could be unaware that they are enduring bullying and it is important for employees, managers and human resource departments to better understand the issue and how it can be addressed. The effects of bullying in the workplace can be intensely felt through depression, anxiety and suicide. She offers advice to those who are being bullied at work and to human resource departments to appropriately handle the situation.

Prof. Barrow is an assistant professor in the department of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship and Ethics at the Goodman School of Business

This is the latest in the Conversations with Goodman series which is produced by the Goodman Marketing, Communications and Alumni Relations team and features guests from the Goodman community. Last week’s episode featured Goodman graduate Jason Sparaga (BBA ’93).


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