WestJet’s original Christmas Miracle video in 2013 went viral and currently has more than 42 million views on YouTube.
This year, the Brock University alumnus behind the videos, WestJet Team Lead, Sponsorship Greg Plata (BSM ’08) reached out to Brock University and asked the school to help spread the word about this year’s video. His team is relying on WestJet fans and supporters to help make it the best video yet.
Similar to Random Acts of Kindness day, WestJet was hoping to complete 12,000 mini miracles on Wednesday, Dec. 9.
Among the mini miracles done at Brock University Wednesday:
- Upgraded a student’s parking from the back of Zone 2 to the closest spot in Zone 1 (see video below)
- Collected more than $215 to be used to buy peanut butter and tuna for Community Care
- Handed out free coffee, chips, candy and cookies to students studying around campus
- Athletics handed out free yoga class passes
- Brock Development and Alumni Relations staff handed out high fives and good cheer in Market Hall and other parts of campus
This is been quite a tearful day. My niece works for WestJet from Halifax and lost her baby three weeks ago. You guys have been on believable to her again I want to thank you for that and then I just watched your WestJet Christmas giving at the airport I cried through the entire part of that what you guys do for people is unbelievable. I want to thank you from the bottom my heart for everything you do you. An unbeleiveable company and you work together as a family. That’s beautiful. Again thank you very much. Merry Christmas
when can we submit a video till?