Media Talk (June 1-15, 2015)

“Media Talk” is a recurring summary of select Brock faculty, staff and student appearances in the media. If you have details of a media appearance to share with The Brock News, please send them to

David Siegel

David Siegel

June 11
Publication: Bullet News Niagara
Students: Rowing team members
Headline: “Brock rowers to represent Canada

June 11
Publication: St. Catharines Standard/Niagara Falls Review/Welland Tribune
Student: Dorian Walden
Headline: “Graduation a triumph after near-fatal crash

June 10
Publication: Niagara This Week
Faculty Member: David Siegel, Social Sciences
Headline: “EDITORIAL: Communities for all ages

June 10
Publication: Niagara This Week
Faculty Member: David Siegel, Social Sciences
Headline: “Strategy and action plan aims to make Niagara more age friendly

June 9
Publications: St. Catharines Standard/Niagara Falls Review/Welland Tribune
Faculty Member: David Siegel, Social Sciences
Headline: “Siegel: Might this end negative campaigning?

June 9
Publication: 97.7 HTZ-FM Radio
Faculty Member: Theocharis Stamatatos, Mariek Schmidt
Headline: “Brock University researchers win Ontario government funding competition

June 9
Publication: Globe and Mail
Faculty Members: Shauna Pomerantz and Rebecca Raby, Social Sciences
Headline: “Are school dress codes sexist and oppressive?”

June 8
Publication: BuzzFeed
Faculty Member: Rebecca Raby, Social Sciences
Headline: “These teens are trying to end ‘oppressive’ dress codes in Toronto

June 8
Publication: St. Catharines Standard
Student: Susan Venditti (Hon Doc)
Headline: “The rock of Start Me Up Niagara

June 5
Publication: Globe and Mail
Faculty Member: Todd Green, Goodman School of Business
Headline: “Part-time jobs a place for young workers to learn – and get hurt

June 5
Publication: Globe and Mail
Faculty Member: Peter Yannopoulos, Goodman School of Business
Headline: “FIFA and the double-edge sword of corporate sponsorship

June 4
Publication: Williams Lake Tribune
Students: Abbi Taylor, Jenna Brown, Applied Health Sciences
Headline: “Kicking it at FIFA Women’s World Cup

June 4
Publication: St. Catharines Standard/Welland Tribune/Niagara Falls Review
Student: Brendan Ellingham, Social Sciences
Headline: “Brock’s Lou Cahill scholarship winner named

June 3
Publication: CBC Early Edition
Faculty Member: Stephen Cheung, Applied Health Sciences
Headline: “CBC’s Dr. Peter Lin debunks myths about thirst

June 3
Publication: Niagara This Week
Faculty Member: Lauren McNamara, Education
Headline: “Kinder, gentler recess times

June 2
Publication: Niagara This Week
Staff Member: Scott Roper
Headline: “Brock arts school ‘a place not a space’

June 2
Publication: St. Catharines Standard
Staff Member: Ron Zimmerman, Athletics
Headline: “Zimmerman elected to Brock Baseball Hall of Fame

June 1
Publication: Globe and Mail
Faculty Member: Stephen Chueng, Applied Health Sciences
Headline: “How much water should you drink? Research is changing what we know about our fluid needs

June 1
Publication: Globe and Mail
Faculty Members: Shauna Pomerantz and Rebecca Raby, Social Sciences
Headline: “Taking on school dress codes: Teen rebels with a cause

Read more stories in: In the Media
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