Campus store tech specialist gives back to Brock

Tacey Atkinson

Tacey Atkinson

Reflecting on her career at Brock University, Tacey Atkinson takes her cues from John F. Kennedy: It’s not what Brock can do for me, but what I can do for Brock.

Atkinson is the technology specialist at the Campus Store. Since starting at Brock University seven years ago, she has grown so proud of the amazing things happening here that she has chosen to support the University through the Faculty and Staff Campaign. She’s giving back to the University that she says does so much for her and the local economy.

“I donate to Brock because the University needs my support, Brock is struggling right now and I want to see it expand and grow. I take great pride in being a part of the Brock community,” says Atkinson, who also donates to the United Way and Food Banks Canada.

The campaign was launched last year during the 50th anniversary celebrations as a way to reach out to faculty and staff and build financial support for the next half-century. Funds raised in 2014 contributed to research, enhancing student learning, the expansion of facilities, and the creation of new student awards and bursaries.

“Brock University is small enough to feel like a community but big enough to evoke change in higher education,” Atkinson says.

In addition to being a tax benefit, making a donation by participating in payroll deduction is simple: “Every employee has the power to help Brocks bottom line – whether it’s shutting off the lights, calling toll free or making a small monthly donation.”

Please join Atkinson in supporting Brock University and contact the office of Development and Alumni Relations or make a donation online.

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2 comments on “Campus store tech specialist gives back to Brock”

  1. gmoney says:

    Purdue University replaced their Campus Store with an Amazon store providing substantial savings for both the university and students.,-free-one-day-pickup-services-at-purdue.html

  2. Barry W. K. Joe says:

    Tacey Atkinson has been tireless in her community activities that link her and Brock University to the St. Catharines community at large. The Community Care Christmas tree is just one very visible example. Hats off to Tacey for her continued impassioned commitment to Brock! She leads by example!