UPDATE: Power restored across campus

Facilities Management Staff have now finished walkthroughs of all buildings involved in the Annual Planned Electrical Shutdown.

All buildings have resumed regular operating schedules including Welch Hall, Scotiabank Hall, South Block, Walker Complex, Taro Hall, Student-Alumni Centre, Plaza Building, Lowenberger Residence, Village Residence, Kenmore Centre, Harrison Hall, Theal House, D Lot Parking Kiosk and Rosalind Blauer Centre for Child Care. All other buildings on the University’s Main and East Campuses will open as regularly scheduled.

If your area is experiencing any problems that may have been caused by this interruption please contact Campus Security at x 3200 for immediate assistance or for all other non-urgent inquiries contact Facilities Management Customer Service at x 3717 or email[email protected] or Dave Corbett, Manager Electrical Services at [email protected]

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