Publications and presentations — Dec. 2


Alison Lahn, Child and Youth Studies department co-ordinator and undergraduate advisor, gave a presentation Thursday, Oct. 9 at the annual National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) conference with two other colleagues, one from UOIT (Oshawa) and one from Durham College.

They presented on Fun and Games in Advising to more than 250 fellow academic advising professionals from across the United States, Canada and other international countries.

More than 3,000 advising professionals from across the world attended the conference in Minneapolis, Minn.

Katharine T. von Stackelberg presentation: “Reality, Virtual Reality, Hyperreality: Approaches to Creating and Recreating Ancient Roman Gardens”, Oct. 14, 2014, University of Arkansas.


Daigle, Christine, “The Subject as Ambiguous Multiplicity: Embodying the Dividuum.” Ohnmacht des Subjekts, Macht der Persönlichkeit. Christian Benne and Enrico Müller (eds.), Beiträge zu Friedrich Nietzsche, Schwabe Verlag, 2014, pp. 153-166.
Daigle, Christine, “Le théâtre de Sartre. Morale de la liberté, morale nietzschéenne,” Sartre Studies International, vol. 23, no. 2, 2014, pp. 43-57.
Daigle, Christine, “Sartre and Beauvoir on Embodiment and Sexuality.” Jean-Paul Sartre: eine permanente Provokation – une provocation permanente – a Permanent Provocation. Alfred Betschart, Manuela Hackel, Marie Minot, andVincent von Wroblewsky (eds.), Peter Lang Verlag 2014, pp. 227-240.

Katharine T. von Stackelberg publication: “Garden Hybrids: Hermaphrodite Images in the Roman House”, Classical Antiquity 33: 395-426 (2014).

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