Publications – Dec. 24

Glazebrook, Allison


Glazebrook, Allison “‘Sex Ed’ at the Archaic Symposium: Prostitutes, Boys and Paideia” in Sex in Antiquity: New Essays on Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Eds. Mark Masterson, Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz and James Robson. Routledge Publishing. 157-78. (2014)
Glazebrook, Allison “Sexual Rhetoric: From Athens to Rome.” A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities. Ed. Thomas K. Hubbard. Blackwell Publishing. 431-45. (2014)
Glazebrook, Allison “Greek and Roman Marriage” (with Kelly Olson). A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities. Ed. Thomas K. Hubbard. Blackwell Publishing. 69-82. (2014)

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