Benefits for Brock in the budget

President Jack Lightstone wrote an opinion piece, “Benefits for Brock in the budget,” that appeared in the March 11 issue of the St. Catharines Standard. The article gives his thoughts on the recent federal budget.


“When Finance Minister Jim Flaherty delivered his budget speech on Thursday, he signaled a new era of austerity in federal spending.

Faced with diminished tax revenues and a ballooning debt from the stimulus spending required to bolster a badly wounded economy — both the result of a major economic recession — announcements of new spending were understandably limited. Even with no massive cuts announced, just holding pat on most current spending will inevitably require serious belt tightening in all federal ministries.

Against this backdrop, what is heartening is Ottawa’s commitment to research, innovation and the place of university researchers in building a stronger Canada. Of the limited new funds announced in the budget, a major proportion is dedicated to research and innovation.”

Benefits for Brock in the budget – St. Catharines Standard

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