Publications and Presentations — Dec. 3

Beckett, Sandra L. Revisioning Red Riding Hood Around the World: An Anthology of International Retellings. London and New York: Routledge, 2014 (released November 2013), 393 p.

Beckett, Sandra L. “The Crossover Picturebook.” In Bologna – Fifty Years of Children’s Books from Around the World. Ed. Giorgia Grilli. Bologna: Bologna University Press, 2013. 94-121.

Jetha, M.K., Zheng, X., Goldberg, J.O., Segalowitz, S.J., & Schmidt, L.A. (2013). Shyness and Emotional Face Processing in Schizophrenia: An ERP study. Biological Psychology, 94, 562- 574.


Sandra Beckett, “Yvan Pommaux’s Fairy-Tale Whodunnits” at CONFIA, Conferência Internacional em Ilustração e Animação/ International Conference on Illustration & Animation, Porto, Portugal on 29-30 November 2013.

Sandra Beckett, “From Picturebook to Film and Film to Picturebook: Crossing Media with Fairy Tales,” IRSCL Congress, University of Maastricht, Netherlands, Aug. 10-14, 2013.

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